Friday, August 31, 2012

Reflections on his life-giving glory

This evening I sat for a while watching ripples of water in the bay. I got up and started walking to take a bus home and I saw this fountain that was turned off and the water was still. I looked at it and thought how pathetic it seemed in comparison to the swaying ripples of water that I had just seen. I thought about how life-giving God is and how he gives us surprises, or little joys in our days- they don't have to be much, but they can add so much to our lives if we accept them (kind of like the little ripples in the water). I thought about how we as humans often take the life out of things. We forget to take delight in the little things and our life becomes flat and lifeless.

Later, I started dreaming about my future and then dismissed it as fantasies. Then, I sensed God say "Why do you dismiss those dreams so quickly? Don't you know that I created you to dream? Don't you know that I have dreams too?" He reminded me of his dream- to have every man, woman, and child with him in heaven. He has spent enormous amounts of love creating each one of us and wants to continue to pour out his love on us. Wow! what an awesome dream and responsibility on us who do know him to tell those who do not yet know him. As I continued to sit and ponder, I thought about how some of our dreams come true, and that is great. Some do not turn out the way we planned, but we can either be disappointed and frustrated by it, or we can make it into something even more beautiful than what our dream was. Now, to make my realities even more beautiful than my dreams...

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