Friday, August 30, 2013

My prayer in the harvest

One of my favorite songs is the "Desert song." It expresses the prayer to grow more deeply in the Lord through all seasons of life. The last verse says,

"This is my prayer in the harvest,
When favor and providence flow;
I know I'm filled to be emptied again,
This seed I've received I will sow."

As I start this new year, I feel God showering me with blessings daily. I am in this season of harvest and pray that God uses this season to allow me to sow seeds in the lives of others.

Some of today's favorite moments and blessings:
- While talking to a new fourth grade student in the hallway, I asked him where he was from. He said, "Uh, G... well, umm, Ge... uhh... The Southern part of the United States." I asked, "Like Georgia?" "Yeah." This made me smile as I could tell this young man is a TCK, who understands that not everyone in the world knows where all the states of the USA are, and who has trouble answering when people ask where he's from.

- Having my students moan when I put down a book I was reading out loud to them.

- Watching my students work diligently for 20 minutes, and having two of them realize the benefit of working outside in a place that was quiet and free of distractions.

- When a student came up at the end of the day to ask for us to pray, and 3 of my students and I prayed together on the spur of the moment.

-Going to the park after school and sitting by the water while reading my bible.

-While coming home from a prayer meeting, laying in the grass on the side of the road and watching the clouds in the night sky.

1 comment:

  1. Praise praise the Lord. This is a powerful and beautiful testimony to LIFE received in your pursuit of Christ - even when it means picking up a cross to do so. Thank you for sharing.
