Sunday, September 9, 2012

The road to Emmaus

This past week was the first week that our church started a series on Exodus. I started reading a book called redemption, talking about the story of Exodus through the lens of God's story of redemption. The introduction emphasized the point that we often try to make ourselves the center of our story. However, the story is really about God. I have been challenged to look back on the events of my life and put them in perspective with who God is and his story of redemption; to take each moment and remember that I am not the center, but God is using what I am going through to bring glory to himself; to remember that God has a great plan that I can put my hope in daily. Today, I reflected on different ways God has manifested himself through my life (i.e. as a restorer, through the way he always heals my broken bones and other injuries). How awesome it is to just look and see God in history, even if it is just a small part of His great story. In church this morning, I was challenged to respond to God with a willing and joyful heart, because ultimately every moment of my life is about Him. Isn't that what Jesus was telling the disciples on the road to Emmaus?

Oh, but how I forget that He is the center of it all! Every day, I get overwhelmed with the work I need to do, I put my desires in things other than Christ alone, I fear the future. God has already written the story, and I need to seek Him first. Then everything else will fall into place. I need to realize, that I am insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but God has graciously chosen to weave me into His story.

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