Saturday, October 20, 2012

A sprinter's heart

I have realized lately that I am a sprinter at heart. When I was little, I remember I would do pretty well when it came to short races, but long distance races were exhausting and frustrating to me. I love swimming fast, quick spurts, but if you ask me to swim laps for very long, I get bored and frustrated.

The same is true about most things in life. I get super excited about doing something and I'll start on it, but if it takes very long to do, I won't complete it. I love getting involved in a lot of things, but I'm not very good at being consistent. I like to experience things for a short while, but then I give up. I will keep my room clean for a short time, but soon it is messy again. I will try to learn something new, but as soon as it gets frustrating, I am out. I get really involved in a new ministry for a while, but soon I get distracted with other new and exciting things to do.

That is one reason I am so amazed by God's faithfulness. Even though I mess up over and over again, God's doesn't try to move on to someone who might be better. He keeps working on me. Why? I'll never know.

My goal for this year is to be more consistent in the things I set out to do. Whether it's helping with the middle school youth group, keeping my room clean, losing weight, or learning how to surf. If I set out to do something, I don't want to give up on it.

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