Sunday, October 28, 2012

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"

I was watching the movie 'Courageous' tonight and it is so inspiring- for fathers... One of my favorite scenes is where Adam is doing his research about what it means to be a godly father and he says that he never knew how much the bible says about being a father. It made me wonder what the bible says about me in my stage of life. Then, I started wondering what that really means. I'm not a teen any more, I'm not a parent, or a wife. As I was looking at the books related to the movie, I noticed that there is a book for men- not me... a book for women... mainly about being a mother and wife, and a book for teens. I'm not trying to complain, but there are so many single adults who do not have much direction in their life. We either invest our lives in trying to get to the married stage of life, or marry ourselves off to our work, or having fun. What does the bible say about being a single adult? As far as I know that was not at all cultural in biblical times, so there is not much there, but maybe I should look it up. What can we as a church do to lead our single adults to live bold, godly lives? As singles, our houses our small, but we can still serve the Lord.


  1. Jesus was a single himself. Jesus is the example for us all. He exhausted himself in ministry where His only time to be alone with the Father was at night. Pouring out His love to the people till His death.

    Just imagine you had a family, lets say a husband and 4 kids. So you plus 5. Because 5 make a easier to calculate.

    1. How about loving at least 5 people intense per day, like your own family?
    2. How about taking care at least of 5 people per day, as if there were your own family? Even the minor things.
    3. How about feeding at least 5 people with 3 meals per day, that makes about 500 meals per months, or with $S500 per month. S$1 a meal.

    Love your Imaginary Family as Christ loved us.
