Tuesday, October 30, 2012

An adventurous start to the day

So, it is only 7:40 in the morning and I have already started my day off with an adventure. This morning, I walked to the bus stop and was waiting for the bus and apparently was really tired, because I just got on the next bus that came my way. It happened to be a bus that would take me to school, but not the usual way that I take, so when it took a strange turn, I got off of it. I thought about getting back on when I saw which bus it was, but then realized that the bus that I generally take was right behind it. What I forgot to take into account was that I had turned in the wrong direction. So, I got on this bus and started riding it and was wondering if I was going the right way, when it finally got to the bus interchange and confirmed my fears. I had taken the right bus in the wrong direction. Thankfully, I leave early enough for school that I was able to get on the right bus in the right direction and still be here on time, but I don't have much time to get work done before 17 small bodies flood my classroom. As I write this, I am reminded of what we talked about in bible study yesterday relating to Hebrews 12:1. We discussed the phrase "let us throw off everything that hinders." We talked about how it is often good things that hinder us and make us focus on those things, rather than the goal, which is Christ. Often we are on the right bus heading in the wrong direction. We do the right things, but for the wrong reasons. It makes me ponder where my goal is? What direction am I heading? Why am I doing the things that I do? Is it to glorify God, or seek approval from others?

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